3 Tips To Avoid Legal Issues When Driving With Prescription Medication

When you think about a person getting a DUI, you might think about them being charged with driving under the influence after drinking alcohol. However, you can also be charged for driving under the influence in many states if you drive after taking certain prescription medications. If you are on prescription medication, then this is something that you should keep in mind. These are a few tips that can help you if you are concerned about this.

1. Follow Your Doctor's Advice When Taking Medication

Make sure that you follow your doctor's advice when taking your prescription medication. Make sure that you take the appropriate doses at the appropriate times; this is important both to avoid health issues and to avoid being overly intoxicated from your medication. If you are supposed to take your medication with food, then make sure that you do so. Additionally, if your doctor or pharmacist tell you that your medication can impact your ability to drive or operate machinery, then you should avoid driving after taking the medication. This is important for your safety and to help you avoid legal issues.

2. Keep Your Medication in Its Bottles

If you get pulled over by a law enforcement officer, it is best to have any medication that you take in a prescription medication bottle. Make sure that you leave the label on the bottle. This can help you prove to a law enforcement officer that the medication that you have with you is prescribed to you, which is important so that you can avoid drug possession charges.

3. Hire an Attorney

If you do end up being charged with a DUI because of prescription medication use, then you should definitely hire an attorney. There are various defenses that an attorney might be able to use to help you if you are charged with a DUI because of your use of your prescription medication. Along with making sure that you hire a good, experienced criminal defense attorney, it's also smart to provide your attorney with any information that might help with your case, such as documentation from your doctor.

It is possible to face legal issues when driving when you are on prescription medication. Fortunately, the tips above can help you a lot with avoiding getting in trouble. Your attorney can provide you with additional advice and information to help you out. Contact a law firm, like Daniels Long & Pinsel, if you need more assistance.
